Work with me


Short Term

You’ve only recently launched your business (less than a year) and you’re struggling to price your services.

You keep dropping your prices because you need the clients but now you feel overworked, undervalued and you’re still not bringing the money in.

You’re not ready to invest long term but you know you need support that’ll get you fast results.

If this sounds like you, click the button below to find out more about my 1:1 Pricing Power Hours.

Mid Term

You’ve been running your business for over a year now or you’re making more than £1k a month.

You’ve signed a few clients, you’ve discovered what you do and don’t love to offer and you know what a dream client looks like.

Your current pricing model isn't sustainable and although you know you need to be more strategic, you don’t know how.

You want consistent income, to work less hours, make more money and start planning for the long term.

Long term

Your business is more than a year old, you’re making £2-3k each month but nothing’s consistent.

You’re working all the hours, not taking much time off, you’re feeling stressed out and you want to be consistently earning the money each month.

You know you need to work on your mindset and having structures in your business would be super helpful.

You want to take your business to the next level so you can say no to cheap clients and yes to your dream life.


Looking for a DIY option?

Click below to check out the downloadable workbooks I have to help you with your confidence, mindset and business strategy or head to my freebies page for The Confidence Kit and my video training for social media managers.

© Rebecca Hawkes 2017 - 2019

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