Affirmations are a powerful tool to help you create positive, empowering beliefs that enable you to achieve what you desire.

If you’ve never heard of affirmations before, check out this post: What are affirmations and why should you use them.

When you repeat positive affirmations, you change the record on repeat in your mind.

We’re so used to repeating the same phrases to ourselves but often these thoughts or beliefs are what we’ve learned from those around us: our parents, partners, friends.

Take a moment to think about the thoughts that play out in your mind most often when it comes to money, wealth and abundance.

- Are those thoughts empowering?
- Do they make you feel good?
- Do you feel positive, excited, inspired?

For my entire life, I’d had the phrase “You have to work hard to make money” rolling around in my head. I’d heard this thousands of times, ever since I was a little girl and it became a belief that I adopted.

But it didn’t make me feel good. Or inspired. Or positive.

So I decided to change my beliefs by using affirmations.

I chose more powerful, supportive beliefs and used the process of repeating affirmations to help me adopt these new beliefs. You can learn how to use affirmations to change your beliefs here.

Here are 8 of my favourite affirmations for abundance and wealth:

  1. I effortlessly attract abundance simply by being myself

  2. I am a magnet to wealth and abundance

  3. I am an abundant being

  4. I receive abundance in all forms on a daily basis

  5. Everyday in every way my wealth increases

  6. I am wealthy, I am healthy and I love my life

  7. I am worthy of limitless wealth and abundance

  8. I am capable and deserving of receiving and creating limitless and never ending wealth and abundance 

If you enjoyed these affirmations, check out my 31 affirmations for confidence and self esteem here.


Leave me a comment and let me know your favourite affirmation for abundance.