This Should Be Your New Confidence Goal in 2024


Ready for your transformative journey towards unparalleled confidence in 2024?

In a world filled with constant pressures and expectations, achieving unwavering self confidence might seem like an unattainable feat.

And the truth is, when you’ve been led to believe that 100% confidence, 100% of the time is possible, it is unattainable.

In this blog post, we explore why this should be your new confidence goal for 2024 and how it can positively impact your life, supporting you in being confident every single day.

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This Should Be Your New Confidence Goal in 2024

I've been working on my mindset for the past 13+ years. I created a course called The Confidence Course, which is packed full of all the tools, strategies, techniques that I've learned, created and used for myself over that time to completely change my life.

And one of the things that I recognised when I first started working on my mindset, consciously working on my mindset, was that I would have these periods where I'd be really consistent with my journaling, with my affirmations, with taking brave action, and then I would wake up one day and I just wouldn't feel confident.

Or it would be close to my period and I would be lacking self esteem or feeling disgusting. You know what it's like a few days before you're due on and you just don't have confidence in yourself at all. That happens every single month no matter how much time you spend working on your mindset.

(Psst: You can download The Confidence Kit for free here)

Watch the video below or scroll down to read the transcript instead.

Instead of aiming for an unrealistic goal, I started to do this

Aiming for the unrealistic goal of being 100% confident, 100% of the time was actually impacting my confidence. Every time I strived to be 100% confident, I would inevitably have those days where I would wake up not feeling confident in myself and then I’d feel like I’d done something wrong.

I’d put in all the work to feel confident, to work on my mindset yet I was still having low confidence moments/days. I’d find myself beating myself up for not not feeling confident and feeling like a failure.

To combat this, I created something called The 90/90 Mindset Concept and one of the core values of this concept is that you don't need to strive to be 100% confident 100% of the time.

Instead, a realistic and achievable goal to strive for is 90% confidence 90% of the time. And what that does is that allows you those human days, that allows you those moments where you're not feeling your best for whatever reason, and in those moments instead of beating yourself up you can give yourself that grace and you can say to yourself “Today is just part of the 10% of time that I'm not going to feel confident in myself.”

Give yourself permission to be human

We are all human beings. We are all going to have experiences that knock our confidence. We are all going to have days where we wake up and we feel like shit. That is just who we are as human beings.

You are never, no matter what anybody tells you, you are never going to feel 100% confident 100% of the time.

So instead of striving for this unrealistic goal, I want to encourage you to strive for the goal of 90% confidence, 90% of the time.

What 90% Confident, 90% of the time looks like in practice

And that's what The Confidence Course is created around. The entire course is helping customers and clients to become 90% confident 90% of the time so that you can still achieve the things you want in life: promotions, pay rises, better relationships, going on first dates, the body of your dreams - whatever it is you want to achieve, you can still achieve that with this 90% confidence, 90% of the time.

And in The Confidence Course I use these three examples of just how attainable 90% confidence, 90% of the time is.

Example one:

In a 10 minute period, you could have a whole nine minutes of feeling really amazing about yourself and one entire minute of self doubt, of imposter syndrome, of fear, of feeling like you're not good enough.

Example two:

Or, in a 10 day period, you could have nine days where you’re full of self belief, where you’re productive, where you’re getting shit done, where you’re taking brave action, where you’re feeling really good in your own skin.

And then you could have a whole day where that all falls to shit and you feel horrendous, where you don't like how you look, where you're not productive, where you're feeling sluggish, where you're criticising yourself for the things that you haven't done before, or the fact that you're not where you want to be yet.

Example three:

Or, in a 100 day period, 100 days, you could experience 90 days in that time of feeling really confident in yourself - which is 3 months. Now that doesn't have to be back to back days, but within a 100 day period, you could feel confident for three months out of that 100 day period.

And you could have 10 days where you're not feeling yourself, you do lack confidence, you are full of self doubt, you're not taking any action - you're just being a human being. And that's okay too.

Your goal can be flexible

This new confidence goal, your new confidence goal for 2024 and beyond, is achievable, it's attainable, it's possible for you to achieve.

And it's not something that has to be set solid in stone. There can be moments where maybe you're 60% confident, 60% of the time. And you build up to the 90% confident, 90% of the time.

But what's important with this goal is that you're not setting yourself something that you're never going to achieve, that's impossible, that’s going to force you into a state of guilt and blame when you don't inevitably reach it.

Will you be adopting the 90% confident, 90% of the time goal for 2024 and beyond?

Let me know in the comments and then read this next to learn the second core principle of The 90/90 Mindset Concept: The Truth About Confidence: You Only Need 90 Seconds