5 Powerful Ways to Create a 2024 Vision Board


Vision boards are a powerful manifestation tool used by people to help them create the life of their dreams.

This simple, yet effective tool can increase motivation, fill you with inspiration and encourage you to keep working towards your biggest dreams, even when things feel tough.

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5 Powerful Ways to create a 2024 vision board

Personally, I love the process of creating a vision board. I find it an expansive, exciting, fun and creative activity and as I'm working through it, I feel like I’m building excitement for the life that I want to create for myself.

So I thought I would share with you 5 powerful ways to create a vision board for the year ahead.

Watch the video below or scroll down to read the transcript instead.

Method 1: Magazines & a Cork board

When I first started creating visual boards, I followed the magazine and cork board method. That was my absolute favourite way. I would sit and flip through magazines for hours, choosing words or images or sentences that really spoke to me and that I really wanted to bring into my life for the year ahead.

It might be trips abroad, it might be images of beautiful beaches, it might be powerful words. I would cut them all out and then I’d spend some time organising the images on the cork board. I'd stick them all down, I'd make sure they were in a nice pattern and then I would have that physical vision board in my office so that every morning when I got up, I'd go to my office, I'd see my vision and it would help me connect in with that dream life that I was trying to create for myself every day. This meant I'd always feel inspired and motivated and energised to take action.

But over the last few years, I've realised that there are lots of different ways that we can create vision boards and as well as having the main vision board - the cork board with the magazine pictures - I've also started to create them in various different ways.

Method 2: Creating a Graphic in Canva

Another way I create a vision board is by using the tool Canva to create a background image that can be used for my laptop and that I can put on my phone. Again, I'm constantly reinforcing this dream life that I'm trying to create for myself.

When I use Canva, I will typically pull images from Pinterest or I’ll use the Canva function to search for images, and very similar to how I'll do the cork board, I’ll spend some time creating a nice layout, putting it all together, perhaps putting some words over the top, and then I will resize it so that it can go on my phone background, so every time I open up my phone, there is my vision board.

Method 3: Creating a vision board on pinterest

The third type of vision board that I’ve created for myself is on Pinterest. I created a board on Pinterest and within that board, I broke it down into various different sections - again, the things that I'm trying to manifest and the life that I'm trying to create for myself.

Once I've got my vision board filled with tons of images that inspire me, I can open up the Pinterest app every day (I don't, but I can!) I can scroll through those images. This is, I find, the quickest way to connect back in with my vision.

If I'm struggling to get started with work, if I'm procrastinating, if I'm feeling uninspired, if I don't really want to do something  I'm just struggling to motivate myself, I can open up the app, scroll for five minutes, and it instantly gives me a boost of motivation and a dose of inspiration to actually take the action that's going to get me to the life that I want.

Method 4: Create a Vision Book with Freeprints Photobooks

The fourth type of vision board - the first time I did this was last year - was created using an app called Photobooks. I chose all my images from Pinterest, sized them in Canva, and then I put them into photobook so that every morning I could wake up, sit and have a cup of tea, and flick through through the vision book.

This was a really nice way to create a vision board.

Having ADHD, I find that I scroll a lot when I'm having a cup of tea. I can't just sit and have a cup of tea - unless I'm trying to be really conscious about it and trying to do it for mindfulness reasons - but most of the time I have to be doing something else. I have to be scrolling, or fidgeting, or doing something. I found that having the vision book means that I can flick through those pages, so I'm still doing something with my hand as I'm sitting and having my morning tea, but it's something that, again, is bringing that inspiration into me first thing in the morning.

I'm literally starting the day with my vision in mind and then being able to take action from there. And the vision books are, I think it was £6.99 for the book? So it was relatively affordable and it's something that I can look at every single day. This is something I’ll be repeating for the next year ahead.

Method 5: Create a vision video

The fifth and final style of vision board that you could create for yourself is something that my friend told me about, and is something that I'm going to do for myself for 2024, is creating a vision video. So rather than just looking at the static images, you can use a tool like Canva and you can create a video packed full of images, B roll, quotes and music that inspires you.

You can watch the two to three minute video every morning which is a really quick and easy way to connect in with those feelings of the life that you want to create for yourself.

Design Your Dream Life

One thing that I love to do when I'm creating my vision board is play my Big Vision playlist on Spotify. When you sign up for Design Your Dream Life, my free mini course to help you create your vision for your dream life, you can access an exclusive playlist on Spotify that is filled with all my favourite songs that inspire me and motivate me and help me to connect with my big, big vision.

Listening to this every day means that you can get into that energy of this is the life I'm creating for myself so that anytime you are in a bit of a low place or anytime you’re struggling or you feel like things are just annoying, you can connect back in with that vision and remind yourself what you’re doing what you're doing for.

Creating a vision board is such a fun activity and whether you create your vision board to look at every single day or whether you create it as an exercise simply because it's fun and creative and something to do, and then you never look at it again, that's absolutely fine as well.

I’d love to hear from you: Tell me in the comments what style of vision board you’ll be creating for the year ahead.

Read this next: How to Create Daily Confidence That Actually Lasts