How to Stop Caring What People Think of You


Do you worry about what other people think of you? Do you spend a lot of time thinking that you're being judged or criticised?

Do you feel like you can't really be yourself or show people the real you because you're worried how they will receive what you're putting out to them?

Well let me tell you this, the phrase I’m about to share with you changed my life.

This simple little phrase helped me go from feeling judged by other people and taught me how to stop caring what people think of you.

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How to Stop Caring What People THink of You

I used to be so worried about what people thought of me all the time. Ever since I was at school I can remember just constantly thinking “what are they saying about me, what are they thinking about me?”

It was easy for me to spiral: Were people gossiping about me? Had I said something wrong?

I was always very much in my head about it. Until I heard this phrase….

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The phrase that taught me how to stop caring what people think

Are you ready for you?

“No two people will ever form the exact same opinion of you because every single person will interpret you and interpret your behaviour from their very own perspective".

This perspective is based on how that person has lived their life. So through their experiences, through their own circumstances, through their own perspective, through things that they've been through: they will interpret you through their unique lived experience.

Whilst one person might look at you through a certain lens because of the life that they’ve had so far, the environment that they’ve been in and the people that have contributed to the way that they view things in their life, another person, who's lived a completely different life, who's had completely different experiences, who perhaps comes from a different culture or a different background or a different set of family values, they will perceive you in a completely different way.

There’s No Point Trying to Impress People

When you try to behave a certain way to get people to like you, or you put on a mask, or you try to please everyone and pretend to be something you're not just to feel included, you're wasting your time.

Because however you're trying to make people feel about you is never the way that they're going to perceive you. They will always perceive you from their own unique lived experience.

Here’s the truth: you could behave the exact same way to a group of 10 people. You could say the exact same sentence and every single one of them would form a completely unique perspective on who you are, whether they like you, whether they don't like you.

Just like you watching this video (or reading this blog post) will receive the information I'm telling you through your own lens of the life you've already lived.

You will perceive me in your own way based on your experiences, based on your past, based on the people that you hang around with, based on your own values. You will perceive me in your own unique way and your friend watching this may perceive me in a completely different manner.

It’s Time for You TO be Your Authentic Self

Instead of trying to be someone you're not, or trying to be the perfect person, or trying to get everyone to love you, stop.

Decide this today: I am going to be exactly who I want to be and the people that like me will come towards me, and the people that don't like me can go away.

Because if people don't like and love and accept and respect you for exactly the person that you are, for you being your authentic self, then they're not your people.

And that might be sad or hard to hear sometimes, especially if you've spent a lot of time being someone else and then you finally just start being yourself and those people disappear, that might be really hard.

But people are in your life for a reason and you only want the people who are going to like, love, accept and respect you to stick around.

So take that mask off, stop trying to please everyone and be your amazing, unique, authentic self.

Because no matter how hard you try, people will always receive and perceive you from their own lived experience.

I'd love to hear how this landed for you. Drop me a comment and let me know what you thought of this blog post and if you've got any questions or any, or any topics you'd like me to talk about in future then please do let me know because I will happily create videos for you if there is something that you specifically need help with and I'll see you in the next one.