Inside My Confidence Kit: Powerful Techniques to Become More Confident


Striving for 100% confidence is an impossible goal that you're never going to reach: So stop striving for it.

Over the past 12+ years, I’ve been curating a confidence kit for myself. Inside my confidence kit are powerful techniques to become more confident.

It essentially contains all the tools, techniques and strategies I have learned or created for myself that helped me transform my life from being too afraid to leave the house to backpacking solo, starting multiple online businesses and creating steady, unwavering levels of self confidence.

These are the tools and the techniques that help me to instantly shift into confidence, that help me work on my mindset in the most efficient, effective way and that help me feel confident in myself every single day.

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Inside My Confidence Kit: Powerful Techniques to Become More Confident

You’ll find every single confidence strategy inside The Confidence Course but in this blog post, I’ll be sharing some of my favourite confidence boosting tools that you can start using today.

(Psst: You can download The Confidence Kit for free here)

Watch the video below or scroll down to read the transcript instead.

An overview of The 90/90 Mindset Concept

I have this concept called The 90/90 Mindset Concept which is the concept I use to help me be confident every single day. You can learn about in detail here but for now, here’s a brief overview.

The 90/90 Mindset Concept consists of three core principles. The first being that you don't need to be 100% confident all the time because we're all human beings. Striving for 100% confidence is an impossible goal that you're never going to reach, so stop striving for it. We aim for 90% confidence, 90% of the time. 

The second core principle is that you only need 90 seconds of confidence to make a decision or take an action that has the potential to transform your entire life.

And the third core principle is that there are three layers of confidence you need to master in order to become 90% confident, 90% of the time/be confident every single day.

The three layers of confidence

My confidence kit is broken down into these three layers because I believe it's really important to work on each of these layers.

It's no good just working on one layer or just working on another layer because your whole entire body and being isn't going to be on board with you being confident.

So the first layer is Think Confident, and this is all about your mindset. It's all about your inner narrative, the things that you say to yourself on a daily basis and what thoughts are most dominant in your mind.

Then there’s the Act Confident layer. This is about the practical actions you can take to boost your confidence. And it's also about the idea that confidence comes from taking action.

And the third layer is Feel Confident which is about creating feelings of confidence in your body every single day. Regardless of whether you wake up feeling confident or not, you're conjuring up those feelings of confidence into your body on a daily basis by the actions that you take.

Think Confident: POwerful tools to change your mindset

Within the Think Confident section of The Confidence Kit, you’ll find exercises to reprogram your inner narrative, to rewrite any limiting beliefs, and to get your default thoughts into confident ones.

One of the best techniques for transforming your mindset is journaling. Inside The Confidence Kit, you’ll find a workbook containing seven different styles of journaling to increase your confidence.

Journaling isn't just opening up your diary and writing down everything that's in your head. Yes, that can be an effective way to reduce anxiety, to relieve stress and to boost your confidence. But there are other, focused journaling practices that can actually help to increase your confidence. One of them, which is one that I created when I first started as a coach in 2018, is something called an Empowerment List. 

An Empowerment List is a list that you write about yourself of positive things. For example:

  • 50 things I love about myself

  • 30 reasons I know I'm going to get that promotion

  • 25 reasons this first date is going to be amazing

Instead of focusing on the negative things attached to a specific situation, you're creating what's essentially a proof list of all the reasons you can do something, you do deserve something, you are worthy of something.

And when you have a list of these positive things in front of you, your brain takes it as truth. So even if, consciously, you don't fully believe the things you've written on your list, your  brain goes, “oh this, this must be true, I've got this proof in front of me.”

Empowerment Lists can help you shift into confidence relatively quickly. You could do this in 10 minutes or you could build the habit of writing an empowerment list on a daily basis.

You’ll find the six other journaling styles within The Confidence Kit.

Act Confident: Practical actions for an instant confidence boost

Creating confidence is an ongoing process, yes, but there are times and moments and situations where you need that confidence fast and you haven't got 10 minutes to sit in your journal and write out a list of why you're amazing.

There are times where you need that confidence to hit you instantly. Within the Act Confident section of The Confidence Kit, you’ll find 9 x 90 second confidence boosters.

Now I say 90 second confidence boosters, but some of them can be done in less than 90 seconds. One of them, for example, is simply about you adjusting your posture.

If you're sat slouching, or you're hunched over, or you've got your arms crossed, or you're trying to make yourself feel small, you're not going to feel very confident. Whereas the second you roll your shoulders back, lift your chin up, stand up taller and take up more space, you instantly feel more confident.

I dare you to try this right now: Sit up, shoulders back, head held high, chin forward a little bit. Tell me you don't feel more confident….

Another instant confidence boosting technique is smiling at yourself in the mirror. You might feel like a complete idiot doing this but when you smile at yourself in the mirror, you’re going to notice that your confidence is instantly boosted. Again, try it. Tell me in the comments how you felt after doing it.

The more you practice it, the quicker the confidence will come because you won't think “Oh, I feel like such an idiot smiling at myself”. You'll know that this is going to shift your energy instantly. So it'll stop feeling like something that's uncomfortable and start feeling like “oh my god, this is such a good way to increase my confidence!”

That's just two of the instant confidence boosters you’ll find inside The Confidence Kit. There are nine in total.

The 90 second confidence boosters are how you can instantly shift into confidence before a meeting, before a first date, before getting on an aeroplane, before the plane takes off, etc. Any time you feel nervous or anxious and you need to feel good about yourself or you need that instant shift into confidence, these are the things you reach for.

Feel Confident: Conjure up feelings of confidence on a daily basis

The third and final layer is the Feel Confident layer. This is where you want to focus on feeling confident in your body.

You can be telling yourself things in your mind, you can be adjusting your posture, you can be smiling at yourself in the mirror, but you need to feel it from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.

And in The Confidence Kit, I've got a five minute visualisation that you can listen to every single morning to bring those feelings of confidence into your body. Before you're even getting out of bed and starting your day, the confidence is there, physically in your body.

And when you feel physically confident in your body, mentally your thoughts are going to be better and it's going to be easier for you to do the things that increase your confidence that bit further, like the instant confidence boosters.

You can read more about the power of visualisation in this blog post: Use This Simple Technique Daily to Have More Confidence

These are the tools inside my confidence kit personally, and I've put them into The Confidence Kit for you so that you can feel confident every day and so that you can practice creating more confidence regularly.

And remember, confidence comes from taking action as well: this is just part of the work. To continually build long lasting self confidence, you have to do some of the things that scare you. And it is uncomfortable, yes, but I guarantee that after you've done that scary thing, you are going to reach a new level of confidence that wouldn't be possible without you pushing yourself, without you having done that scary thing.

If you want help increasing your confidence, you've got The Confidence Kit and The Confidence Course. And if you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, be sure to read this next: Beware of the (Dis)Comfort Zone Come Down

This will help you after you've left your comfort zone. Everyone tells you to leave your comfort zone, fight your fears, feel the fear and do it anyway, but nobody actually shares what to do once you’ve done that.

To recap what we covered:

  • Inside My Confidence Kit: Powerful Techniques to Become More Confident

  • An Overview of The 90/90 Mindset Concept

  • Think Confident: Powerful Tools to Change Your Mindset

  • Act Confident: Practical Actions for an Instant Confidence Boost

  • Feel Confident: Conjure Up Feelings of Confidence on a Daily Basis

Read next: Set yourself up for a confident and successful day when you learn how to create the perfect morning routine for success.